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A standardized approach to evaluation and reporting of synovial histopathology in two surgically induced murine models of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2024.05.006
Alia M Obeidat 1 , Sung Yeon Kim 2 , Kevin G Burt 3 , Baofeng Hu 4 , Jun Li 1 , Shingo Ishihara 1 , Rui Xiao 5 , Rachel E Miller 1 , Christopher Little 6 , Anne-Marie Malfait 1 , Carla R Scanzello 4

Synovial pathology has been linked to osteoarthritis (OA) pain in patients. Microscopic grading systems for synovial changes in human OA have been described, but a standardized approach for murine models of OA is needed. We sought to develop a reproducible approach and set of minimum recommendations for reporting of synovial histopathology in mouse models of OA.



滑膜病理学与患者骨关节炎 (OA) 疼痛有关。人类 OA 滑膜变化的微观分级系统已经被描述,但需要一种针对 OA 小鼠模型的标准化方法。我们试图开发一种可重复的方法和一套最低限度的建议来报告 OA 小鼠模型的滑膜组织病理学。