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Great-Grandmother, Grandmother, Mother, and Me: A Search for My Roots through Research-Based Theatre
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-13 , DOI: 10.3390/arts13030107
Mette Bøe Lyngstad 1

In this article I present how I use Research-based Theatre (RbT) to better comprehend my own roots, history, and multiple selves. The purpose of this research project is also for me to explore RbT before I invite my oral storytelling students to do the same. Using RbT as my central methodology, I have explored my own and others’ narratives by using an aesthetic, arts-based approach. Drama conventions used as research methods serve as a catalyst for opening up creative processes and generating a desire to dig more deeply into stories of my maternal ancestry.



在这篇文章中,我将介绍如何使用研究型戏剧(RbT)来更好地理解我自己的根源、历史和多重自我。这个研究项目的目的也是为了让我先探索 RbT,然后再邀请我的口语讲故事学生也这样做。我以 RbT 作为我的中心方法论,通过基于美学、艺术的方法探索了我自己和他人的叙述。戏剧惯例作为研究方法,是开启创作过程的催化剂,并产生了更深入地挖掘我的母系血统故事的愿望。