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Psychometric Characteristics of the Italian Version of the Revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02882-w
Giacomo Ciocca , Roberto Giorgini , Laura Petrocchi , Giulia Origlia , Giuseppe Occhiuto , Antonio Aversa , Marco Tullio Liuzza

Sociosexuality refers to the tendency to engage in uncommitted sexual behavior and has been dissected into three domains: sociosexual behavior, attitudes, and desire (Penke & Asendorpf, 2008), which led to the revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R), which was validated on a German sample. The current research aimed at translating and validating an Italian version (I-SOI-R), administered to three distinct Italian participant groups. In the first sample (N = 710, females = 521, age = 18–59 years), we found evidence for a bifactor model, articulated in a general sociosexuality factor and three specific factors (behavior, attitudes, desire). High internal consistency was established for total and subscale scores, alongside favorable test–retest reliability. A connection was found between relationship status and sociosexual desire, though not gender dependent. We found evidence for test–retest reliability in a second sample (N = 55, females = 37, age 20–58 years). In a third study (N = 305, females = 147, age = 19–60 years), the earlier findings were replicated, further confirming the I-SOI-R's construct, criterion, and nomological validity on an online sample. Combining data from the three studies revealed full configural, metric, and scalar invariance regarding gender. This allowed us to meaningfully compare the observed scores of women and men and replicated the finding that men display higher levels of unrestricted sociosexuality. In conclusion, the I-SOI-R may serve as a valuable tool to assess and enhance sexual health, albeit warranting future research on construct and criterion validity.



社会性倾向是指进行不承诺的性行为的倾向,被分解为三个领域:社会性行为、态度和欲望(Penke & Asendorpf,2008),这导致了修订后的社会性倾向量表(SOI-R),该量表在德国样本上进行了验证。当前的研究旨在翻译和验证意大利语版本(I-SOI-R),并针对三个不同的意大利参与者群体进行管理。在第一个样本中(N = 710,女性 = 521,年龄 = 18-59 岁),我们发现了双因素模型的证据,该模型以一般社会性因素和三个特定因素(行为、态度、欲望)来阐明。总分和分量表分数具有高度的内部一致性,同时具有良好的重测可靠性。研究发现,关系状态和社会性欲之间存在联系,但不依赖于性别。我们在第二个样本(N = 55,女性 = 37,年龄 20-58 岁)中发现了重测可靠性的证据。在第三项研究中(N = 305,女性 = 147,年龄 = 19-60 岁),早期的研究结果得到了重复,进一步证实了 I-SOI-R 在在线样本上的构造、标准和法理有效性。结合这三项研究的数据揭示了关于性别的完整配置、度量和标量不变性。这使我们能够有意义地比较观察到的女性和男性得分,并重复了男性表现出更高水平的不受限制的社会性行为的发现。总之,I-SOI-R 可以作为评估和增强性健康的有价值的工具,尽管需要对结构和标准有效性进行未来的研究。
