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Who Needs a Proof of the Principle of Non-Contradiction?
Mind ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-10 , DOI: 10.1093/mind/fzae030
Timothy Clarke 1

The topic of this paper is Aristotle’s ‘proof by refutation’ of the Principle of Non-Contradiction (Metaphysics Γ 4, 1006a11–1007a20). I consider a worry which has often been raised in connection with this proof. The worry is that, faced with an opponent who is prepared to tolerate contradictions, the argument is dialectically powerless: it is incapable of getting them to abandon their position. In reply, I argue that the proof needs to be seen in its proper context, that is, as part of Aristotle’s response to an opponent who demands a demonstration of the principle. This allows us to clarify the purpose of the argument and answer the worry about its effectiveness.



本文的主题是亚里士多德对不矛盾原理的“反驳证明”(形而上学 Γ 4, 1006a11–1007a20)。我考虑到经常有人提出与这个证明有关的担忧。令人担心的是,面对一个愿意容忍矛盾的对手,辩证的论证是无力的:它无法让他们放弃自己的立场。作为回应,我认为证明需要在适当的背景下看待,也就是说,作为亚里士多德对要求证明该原理的对手的回应的一部分。这使我们能够澄清论证的目的并回答对其有效性的担忧。