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The rise and fall of shark functional diversity over the last 66 million years
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-11 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13881
Jack A. Cooper 1 , Catalina Pimiento 1, 2

Modern sharks are a diverse and highly threatened group playing important roles in ecosystems. They have an abundant fossil record spanning at least 250 million years (Myr), consisting primarily of isolated teeth. Throughout their evolutionary history, sharks have faced multiple environmental changes and extinction events. Here, we aim to use dental characters to quantify how shark functional diversity has changed during the last 66 Myr.


过去 6600 万年来鲨鱼功能多样性的兴衰

现代鲨鱼是一个多样化且受到高度威胁的群体,在生态系统中发挥着重要作用。它们拥有丰富的化石记录,跨越至少 2.5 亿年(Myr),主要由孤立的牙齿组成。在整个进化史上,鲨鱼面临着多次环境变化和灭绝事件。在这里,我们的目标是利用牙齿特征来量化过去 66 Myr 期间鲨鱼功能多样性的变化。