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Long-term management of PFAS contaminated water using constructed floating wetlands: Opportunities, limitations, and implementation considerations
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-5-27 , DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2024.2360762
John Awad 1 , Divina Navarro 1 , Jason Kirby 1 , Christopher Walker 2 , Albert Juhasz 3

This review critically examines the long-term management of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using constructed floating wetlands (CFW) as a sustainable approach for contaminated water treatment. PFAS, which are persistent and widely distributed environmental contaminants, pose significant challenges due to their resistance to natural degradation. CFW, featuring buoyant platforms that support vegetation, show promise in mitigating PFAS contamination through a range of natural processes such as plant uptake, sorption to growth media, and accumulation in biofilms. The review explores CFW opportunities, emphasizing their suitability for installation in existing urban environments with minimal earthwork and drainage adjustments to address PFAS contamination. It also assesses CFW limitations, such as potential PFAS trophic transfer, highlighting the need for comprehensive studies on PFAS fate and transport within these systems. To ensure CFW efficiency in long-term PFAS management, the review highlights the importance of site-specific assessments, including plant species selection, hydrodynamics, and PFAS-microbial community interactions. The potential of synergistic removal approaches, combining wetland plants’ phytoremediation capabilities with removable sorptive materials or other substrates are also discussed. Over-all, the study provides valuable insights into CFW, covering opportunities, limitations, and essential implementation considerations for achieving sustainable, long-term PFAS management in contaminated water treatment.


利用人工漂浮湿地对 PFAS 污染水进行长期管理:机遇、局限性和实施考虑因素

本综述批判性地研究了使用人工漂浮湿地(CFW)作为污染水处理的可持续方法对全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)的长期管理。 PFAS 是一种持久且分布广泛的环境污染物,由于其难以自然降解,因此带来了重大挑战。 CFW 具有支持植被的浮力平台,有望通过一系列自然过程(例如植物吸收、生长介质吸附以及生物膜中积累)减轻 PFAS 污染。该审查探讨了 CFW 的机会,强调其适合在现有城市环境中安装,只需最少的土方工程和排水调整即可解决 PFAS 污染问题。它还评估了 CFW 的局限性,例如潜在的 PFAS 营养转移,强调需要对这些系统内的 PFAS 命运和运输进行全面研究。为了确保 CFW 在长期 PFAS 管理中的效率,该审查强调了特定地点评估的重要性,包括植物物种选择、流体动力学和 PFAS-微生物群落相互作用。还讨论了协同去除方法的潜力,将湿地植物的植物修复能力与可去除的吸附材料或其他基质相结合。总体而言,该研究为 CFW 提供了宝贵的见解,涵盖了在污染水处理中实现可持续、长期 PFAS 管理的机会、局限性和基本实施注意事项。