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Mechanistic insights into G-protein coupling with an agonist-bound G-protein-coupled receptor
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41594-024-01334-2
Hossein Batebi 1, 2 , Guillermo Pérez-Hernández 3 , Sabrina N Rahman 4 , Baoliang Lan 5 , Antje Kamprad 6 , Mingyu Shi 5 , David Speck 6 , Johanna K S Tiemann 1, 7 , Ramon Guixà-González 3, 8 , Franziska Reinhardt 9 , Peter F Stadler 9 , Makaía M Papasergi-Scott 10 , Georgios Skiniotis 10, 11 , Patrick Scheerer 6 , Brian K Kobilka 10 , Jesper M Mathiesen 4 , Xiangyu Liu 5 , Peter W Hildebrand 1, 3

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activate heterotrimeric G proteins by promoting guanine nucleotide exchange. Here, we investigate the coupling of G proteins with GPCRs and describe the events that ultimately lead to the ejection of GDP from its binding pocket in the Gα subunit, the rate-limiting step during G-protein activation. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the temporal progression of structural rearrangements of GDP-bound Gs protein (Gs·GDP; hereafter GsGDP) upon coupling to the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) in atomic detail. The binding of GsGDP to the β2AR is followed by long-range allosteric effects that significantly reduce the energy needed for GDP release: the opening of α1-αF helices, the displacement of the αG helix and the opening of the α-helical domain. Signal propagation to the Gs occurs through an extended receptor interface, including a lysine-rich motif at the intracellular end of a kinked transmembrane helix 6, which was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and functional assays. From this β2AR–GsGDP intermediate, Gs undergoes an in-plane rotation along the receptor axis to approach the β2AR–Gsempty state. The simulations shed light on how the structural elements at the receptor–G-protein interface may interact to transmit the signal over 30 Å to the nucleotide-binding site. Our analysis extends the current limited view of nucleotide-free snapshots to include additional states and structural features responsible for signaling and G-protein coupling specificity.


G 蛋白与激动剂结合的 G 蛋白偶联受体偶联的机制见解

G 蛋白偶联受体 (GPCR) 通过促进鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换来激活异三聚体 G 蛋白。在这里,我们研究了 G 蛋白与 GPCR 的偶联,并描述了最终导致 GDP 从 Gα 亚基中的结合口袋中弹出的事件,这是 G 蛋白激活过程中的限速步骤。利用分子动力学模拟,我们研究了 GDP 结合 G s蛋白(G s ·GDP;以下简称 G s GDP )在与 β 2 -肾上腺素能受体(β 2 AR)偶联后的原子细节结构重排的时间进程。 G s GDP与 β 2 AR 结合后会产生长程变构效应,显着降低 GDP 释放所需的能量:α1-αF 螺旋的打开、αG 螺旋的位移和 α- 的打开螺旋域。信号传播到 G s是通过一个扩展的受体界面发生的,包括在扭结的跨膜螺旋 6 的细胞内末端富含赖氨酸的基序,这已通过定点诱变和功能测定得到证实。从这个 β 2 AR–G s GDP中间体,G s沿着受体轴进行面内旋转以接近 β 2 AR–G s态。模拟揭示了受体-G 蛋白界面的结构元件如何相互作用,将超过 30 Å 的信号传输到核苷酸结合位点。 我们的分析扩展了目前无核苷酸快照的有限观点,包括负责信号传导和 G 蛋白偶联特异性的其他状态和结构特征。
