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Most genetic roots of fungal and animal aging are hundreds of millions of years old according to phylostratigraphy analyses of aging networks
GeroScience ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s11357-024-01234-9
Hugo Bonnefous 1 , Jérôme Teulière 1 , François-Joseph Lapointe 2 , Philippe Lopez 1 , Eric Bapteste 1

Few studies have systematically analyzed how old aging is. Gaining a more accurate knowledge about the natural history of aging could however have several payoffs. This knowledge could unveil lineages with dated genetic hardware, possibly maladapted to current environmental challenges, and also uncover “phylogenetic modules of aging,” i.e., naturally evolved pathways associated with aging or longevity from a single ancestry, with translational interest for anti-aging therapies. Here, we approximated the natural history of the genetic hardware of aging for five model fungal and animal species. We propose a lower-bound estimate of the phylogenetic age of origination for their protein-encoding gene families and protein–protein interactions. Most aging-associated gene families are hundreds of million years old, older than the other gene families from these genomes. Moreover, we observed a form of punctuated evolution of the aging hardware in all species, as aging-associated families born at specific phylogenetic times accumulate preferentially in genomes. Most protein–protein interactions between aging genes are also old, and old aging-associated proteins showed a reduced potential to contribute to novel interactions associated with aging, suggesting that aging networks are at risk of losing in evolvability over long evolutionary periods. Finally, due to reshuffling events, aging networks presented a very limited phylogenetic structure that challenges the detection of “maladaptive” or “adaptative” phylogenetic modules of aging in present-day genomes.



