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Addressing anti-Gypsyism with context-dependent psychological tools: Research review, meta-analysis and secondary analysis of prejudice against the Roma
European Review of Social Psychology ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-05 , DOI: 10.1080/10463283.2024.2362123
Anna Kende 1 , Boglárka Nyúl 1 , Márton Hadarics 1 , Cristina Carmona-López 2 , Patricia Ciordaş 1 , Valeria De Cristofaro 3 , Theofilos Gkinopoulos 4 , İklim Keleşoğlu 5 , József Pántya 1 , Xenia Daniela Poslon 6 , Shpend Voca 7 , Barbara Lášticová 6

Anti-Gypsyism is a deeply entrenched form of ethnic bias in Europe, characterised by realistic conflict perceptions, social norms approving bias, unacknowledged historical victimisation, and denial...