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Averaged versus Persistent Reduction in Urine Output to Define Oliguria in Critically Ill Patients, an Observational Study.
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ( IF 8.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-07 , DOI: 10.2215/cjn.0000000000000493
Céline Monard 1, 2 , Nathan Bianchi 1, 2 , Tatiana Kelevina 1 , Marco Altarelli 1 , Aziz Chaouch 3 , Antoine Schneider 1, 2

c dialysis or who declined consent. We extracted hourly UO and, across six hours sliding time-windows, assessed for the presence of oliguria according to the average (mean UO below threshold) and persistent method (all measurements below threshold). For both methods, we compared oliguria’s incidence and association with 90-day mortality, and acute kidney disease (AKD) at hospital discharge. Results: Among 15,253 patients, the average method identified oliguria more often than the persistent method (73% [95%CI 72.3-73.7] versus 54.3% [53.5-55.1]). It displayed a higher sensitivity for the prediction of 90-day mortality (85% [83.6-86.4] vs 70.3% [68.5 - 72]) and AKD at hospital discharge (85.6% [84.2-87] vs 71.8% [70-73.6]). However, its specificity was lower for both outcomes (29.8% [28.9-30.6] vs 49.4% [48.5-50.3] and 29.8% [29-30.7] vs 49.8% [48.9-50.7]). After adjusting for illness severity, comorbidities, age, admission year, weight, gender, and acute kidney injury (AKI) on admission, the absolute difference in mortality attributable to oliguria at population level was similar with both methods (5%). Similar results were obtained when analyses were restricted to patients without AKI on admission, with documented bodyweight, presence of indwelling catheter throughout stay, who did not receive renal replacement therapy or diuretics. Conclusions: The assessment method of oliguria has major diagnostic and prognostic implications. Its definition should be standardized. Copyright © 2024 by the American Society of Nephrology...



c 透析或拒绝同意者。我们提取每小时的 UO,并在六个小时的滑动时间窗口中,根据平均值(平均 UO 低于阈值)和持续方法(所有测量值低于阈值)评估是否存在少尿。对于这两种方法,我们比较了少尿的发生率以及与 90 天死亡率和出院时急性肾病 (AKD) 的关联。结果:在 15,253 名患者中,平均方法比持续方法更容易发现少尿(73% [95%CI 72.3-73.7] vs 54.3% [53.5-55.1])。它对 90 天死亡率(85% [83.6-86.4] vs 70.3% [68.5 - 72])和出院时 AKD(85.6% [84.2-87] vs 71.8% [70-73.6])的预测具有更高的敏感性。 ])。然而,这两种结果的特异性均较低(29.8% [28.9-30.6] vs 49.4% [48.5-50.3] 和 29.8% [29-30.7] vs 49.8% [48.9-50.7])。调整疾病严重程度、合并症、年龄、入院年份、体重、性别和入院时急性肾损伤 (AKI) 后,两种方法在人群水平上因少尿引起的死亡率的绝对差异相似 (5%)。当分析仅限于入院时未出现 AKI、有体重记录、住院期间留置导管、未接受肾脏替代治疗或利尿剂的患者时,得到了类似的结果。结论:少尿的评估方法具有重要的诊断和预后意义。其定义应标准化。版权所有 © 2024 美国肾脏病学会...