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Increasing double storms
Nature Climate Change ( IF 29.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-10 , DOI: 10.1038/s41558-024-02043-w
Jasper Franke

In their study, Dakota Forbis and colleagues from Iowa State University and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the US used a high-resolution regional climate model to estimate potentially tornadic storms over the southeastern US. They modelled four major TCs from the last two decades under their respective conditions and in a future climate (2040–2060) under high emissions. In these simulations, TC-induced tornado activity increases by 56–299% in the mid-twenty-first century. The authors also note that nighttime tornado formation becomes particularly more likely under climate change. This shows that the environment created by landfalling TCs is more favourable for tornado formation in a warmer world, extending the impacts of storms to regions that are far away from coasts.

Original reference: Weather Clim. Extrem. 44, 100684 (2024)



在他们的研究中,达科塔·福比斯及其来自爱荷华州立大学和美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室的同事使用高分辨率区域气候模型来估计美国东南部潜在的龙卷风风暴。他们在各自的条件下和高排放的未来气候(2040-2060)下对过去二十年的四个主要热带气旋进行了建模。在这些模拟中,TC 引发的龙卷风活动在 21 世纪中叶增加了 56-299%。作者还指出,在气候变化的情况下,夜间龙卷风的形成变得尤其容易。这表明,热带气旋登陆所创造的环境更有利于在温暖的世界中形成龙卷风,从而将风暴的影响扩大到远离海岸的地区。

原始参考:Weather Clim。极端。 44, 100684 (2024)
