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Q methodology and the sociotechnical perspective
Information Systems and E-Business Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10257-024-00679-x
Muriel Frank , Vanessa Kohn , Roland Holten

When studying information systems (IS) phenomena, scholars increasingly aim to take a socio-technical approach. This means that instead of focusing exclusively on the technical side, they also study them from a human perspective. An underrecognized yet powerful tool for examining the opinions and attitudes of individuals is the Q methodology because it makes subjective viewpoints on IS phenomena objectively measurable. Despite its benefits and wide application in other disciplines, the use of Q methodology in top IS journals is still rare. Based on a systematic literature review, this article explores the potential and fit of Q methodology within the sociotechnical systems framework. This analysis leads to two main insights. First, Q methodology enables the integration of the social and the technical component as well as instrumental and humanistic outcomes. Second, this qualiquantilogical technique enriches the understanding of IS phenomena by objectifying the approach to exploring subjective viewpoints. Thus, our work highlights the potential of the method for conducting IS research. And it also provides clear guidelines on how to use the method to uncover new patterns inherent in the data being studied.


Q 方法论和社会技术视角

在研究信息系统(IS)现象时,学者们越来越倾向于采用社会技术方法。这意味着他们不再只关注技术方面,而是从人的角度进行研究。 Q 方法论是检验个人意见和态度的一个未被充分认识但强大的工具,因为它使对 IS 现象的主观观点变得客观可衡量。尽管 Q 方法有诸多好处并且在其他学科中得到广泛应用,但在顶级 IS 期刊中使用 Q 方法的情况仍然很少。基于系统的文献综述,本文探讨了 Q 方法在社会技术系统框架内的潜力和适用性。这一分析得出两个主要见解。首先,Q 方法论能够整合社会和技术成分以及工具和人文成果。其次,这种定性定量技术通过客观化探索主观观点的方法丰富了对 IS 现象的理解。因此,我们的工作凸显了该方法进行信息系统研究的潜力。它还提供了关于如何使用该方法来发现正在研究的数据中固有的新模式的明确指南。
