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Tumor microenvironment squeezes out the juice from T cells
Cell Research ( IF 28.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-10 , DOI: 10.1038/s41422-024-00987-4 Romane Thouenon 1, 2 , Grégory Verdeil 1, 2
肿瘤微环境从 T 细胞中挤出汁液
Cell Research ( IF 28.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-10 , DOI: 10.1038/s41422-024-00987-4 Romane Thouenon 1, 2 , Grégory Verdeil 1, 2
Escaping the immune response is a major prerequisite for tumor to emerge and progress, and many different mechanisms are in place within the tumor microenvironment (TME) to reach this aim, including the induction of CD8+ T cell exhaustion. In a recent publication in Cell, Zhang and colleagues showed that biomechanical stress occurring in the TME enforces CD8+T cell exhaustion through the expression of the transcription factor Osr2 that acts as an epigenetic regulator.
肿瘤微环境从 T 细胞中挤出汁液
逃避免疫反应是肿瘤出现和发展的主要先决条件,肿瘤微环境 (TME) 中存在许多不同的机制来实现这一目标,包括诱导 CD8+T 细胞耗竭。在最近发表在《细胞》上的一篇文章中,Zhang 及其同事表明,TME 中发生的生物力学应激通过表达作为表观遗传调节因子的转录因子 Osr2 来强制 CD8+T 细胞耗竭。