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Lost-wax casting: A widespread technique to produce copper alloy adornments in Atlantic Europe since the mid-second millennium BC
Journal of Archaeological Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2024.106008
Marilou Nordez

Lost-wax casting is a metalworking technique that has long been regarded as an innovation imported from the eastern Mediterranean and only widely used in Western Europe since the Late Bronze Age. We now have evidence that this technique was in fact largely in use from the Middle Bronze Age onwards for the production of copper alloy adornments in the Atlantic area. Along with palstaves, these objects are the most abundant in Atlantic hoards from the 15th to the 13th centuries BC. Thanks to detailed morphological and technological study, combined with an experimental approach and analysis of their elemental composition, we can propose new for the manufacture of massive annular bracelets with geometric decoration.



失蜡铸造是一种金属加工技术,长期以来被认为是从东地中海引进的创新技术,自青铜时代晚期以来仅在西欧广泛使用。我们现在有证据表明,这种技术实际上从青铜时代中期开始就在大西洋地区广泛用于铜合金装饰品的生产。与圣杖一样,这些物品是公元前 15 世纪至 13 世纪大西洋宝库中最丰富的物品。通过详细的形态和技术研究,结合实验方法和对其元素组成的分析,我们可以提出用于制造带有几何装饰的大型环形手链的新方法。