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Sorption modelling of crude oil-contaminated soils using a derived spectral index
Geoderma ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116935
Hanly Simon Bingari , Andy Gibson , Richard Teeuw

Theoretical models to describe and evaluate sorption of hydrocarbons on soil particles are well documented but experimental results in the literature are scarce. This study describes the use of a spectral index to evaluate sorption phenomena in oil-contaminated soils at micro and macro levels. Experiments involved oil-dosing from 0.25 mL to 4 mL and the application of a spectral index to estimate the sorption capacity of different soils based on change in statistically derived Critical Point (CP). Results show that sorption of oil varies with soil type, specifically the proportion of clay in a soil/sediment and the clay species, in the order smectite > illite > kaolinite. In support of theoretical models, this work proposes a model from experimental data that explains observed phenomena of soil-oil interaction with changing soil composition. The location and prominence of the CP is also strongly affected by soil moisture, particularly in coarse-grained soils, potentially providing insight to soil-oil–water interaction. The methods developed using a simple synthetic crude provide potential to explore other contamination scenarios including different soil compositions, types of petroleum products and different environmental controls.



描述和评估土壤颗粒上碳氢化合物吸附的理论模型已有详细记录,但文献中的实验结果却很少。本研究描述了使用光谱指数来评估石油污染土壤中微观和宏观水平的吸附现象。实验涉及从 0.25 mL 到 4 mL 的油剂量,以及应用光谱指数根据统计得出的临界点 (CP) 的变化来估计不同土壤的吸附能力。结果表明,油的吸附量随土壤类型而变化,特别是土壤/沉积物中粘土的比例和粘土种类,顺序为蒙皂石 > 伊利石 > 高岭石。为了支持理论模型,这项工作根据实验数据提出了一个模型,解释了观察到的土壤-石油相互作用与土壤成分变化的现象。 CP 的位置和突出程度也受到土壤湿度的强烈影响,特别是在粗粒土壤中,这可能为了解土壤-油-水相互作用提供了线索。使用简单的合成原油开发的方法提供了探索其他污染场景的潜力,包括不同的土壤成分、石油产品类型和不同的环境控制。