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Factors predicting recreational conflicts in urban forests
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128383
Jan Arvidsen , Mathilde Skov Kristensen , Trine Top Klein-Wengel , Søren Præstholm , Evald Bundgaard Iversen , Anton Stahl Olafsson

Urban forests provide for a growing variety of recreational users with potentially conflicting needs, desires, and values, and growing multi-use of such recreational resources increases the potential for conflicts. To meet current and future demands of outdoor recreation in urban forests a better understanding of recreation conflicts is warranted. Aiming to investigate how a comprehensive conflict model (the expanded conflict model), activity frequency, and spatial distribution of recreational activity predict frequency of experienced conflicts in urban forests and greenspaces a PPGIS survey was distributed to 7,500 adult citizens from the City of Silkeborg in Denmark. Responses from 1,198 respondents showed that 69 % have experienced conflicts during the summer period (April – September), and that conflict may lead to reduced satisfaction and to coping behavior. Multivariate linear hierarchical regression analysis showed that users’ mode of experience, out-group tolerance, and frequency of activity was correlated to the frequency of experienced conflicts. The regression model explained 9.5 % of the variance in the sample. No significant correlations between activity style, resource specificity, safety concerns, in-group tolerance, expectations, age, gender, or educational level and frequency of experienced conflicts were found in the study. Spatial hotspot analysis showed that the number of activity places were spatially correlated with locations of experienced conflicts. Visual inspection of the maps suggests that conflict experience is context dependent. Implications for management are suggested.



城市森林为越来越多的具有潜在冲突需求、愿望和价值观的娱乐用户提供了服务,并且对此类娱乐资源的日益多用途增加了冲突的可能性。为了满足当前和未来城市森林户外休闲的需求,有必要更好地了解休闲冲突。为了调查综合冲突模型(扩展冲突模型)、活动频率和娱乐活动的空间分布如何预测城市森林和绿地中发生冲突的频率,我们向丹麦锡尔克堡市的 7,500 名成年公民分发了 PPGIS 调查问卷。 1,198 名受访者的回复显示,69% 的受访者在夏季(4 月至 9 月)经历过冲突,而冲突可能会导致满意度和应对行为下降。多元线性层次回归分析表明,用户的体验模式、外群体容忍度和活动频率与经历冲突的频率相关。回归模型解释了样本中 9.5% 的方差。研究中没有发现活动风格、资源特异性、安全问题、群体内容忍度、期望、年龄、性别或教育水平与经历冲突的频率之间存在显着相关性。空间热点分析表明,活动场所的数量与发生冲突的地点存在空间相关性。对地图的目视检查表明冲突经历是依赖于上下文的。提出了对管理的影响。