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Intra-abdominal infections survival guide: a position statement by the Global Alliance For Infections In Surgery
World Journal of Emergency Surgery ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-08 , DOI: 10.1186/s13017-024-00552-9
Massimo Sartelli 1 , Philip Barie 2 , Vanni Agnoletti 3 , Majdi N Al-Hasan 4 , Luca Ansaloni 5 , Walter Biffl 6 , Luis Buonomo 7 , Stijn Blot 8 , William G Cheadle 9 , Raul Coimbra 10, 11 , Belinda De Simone 12 , Therese M Duane 13 , Paola Fugazzola 5 , Helen Giamarellou 14 , Timothy C Hardcastle 15 , Andreas Hecker 16 , Kenji Inaba 17 , Andrew W Kirkpatrick 18 , Francesco M Labricciosa 19 , Marc Leone 20 , Ignacio Martin-Loeches 21, 22, 23, 24 , Ronald V Maier 25 , Sanjay Marwah 26 , Ryan C Maves 27 , Andrea Mingoli 28 , Philippe Montravers 29 , Carlos A Ordóñez 30 , Miriam Palmieri 1 , Mauro Podda 31 , Jordi Rello 32, 33 , Robert G Sawyer 34 , Gabriele Sganga 35 , Pierre Tattevin 36 , Dipendra Thapaliya 37 , Jeffrey Tessier 38 , Matti Tolonen 39 , Jan Ulrych 40 , Carlo Vallicelli 41 , Richard R Watkins 42 , Fausto Catena 41 , Federico Coccolini 43

Intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in hospital settings worldwide. The cornerstones of IAI management include rapid, accurate diagnostics; timely, adequate source control; appropriate, short-duration antimicrobial therapy administered according to the principles of pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and antimicrobial stewardship; and hemodynamic and organ functional support with intravenous fluid and adjunctive vasopressor agents for critical illness (sepsis/organ dysfunction or septic shock after correction of hypovolemia). In patients with IAIs, a personalized approach is crucial to optimize outcomes and should be based on multiple aspects that require careful clinical assessment. The anatomic extent of infection, the presumed pathogens involved and risk factors for antimicrobial resistance, the origin and extent of the infection, the patient’s clinical condition, and the host’s immune status should be assessed continuously to optimize the management of patients with complicated IAIs.



腹腔内感染(IAI)是全球医院环境中发病和死亡的重要原因。 IAI 管理的基石包括快速、准确的诊断;及时、充分的源头控制;根据药代动力学/药效学和抗菌药物管理原则进行适当的、短期的抗菌治疗;针对危重疾病(败血症/器官功能障碍或血容量不足纠正后败血性休克)使用静脉输液和辅助升压药进行血流动力学和器官功能支持。对于 IAI 患者,个性化方法对于优化结果至关重要,并且应基于需要仔细临床评估的多个方面。应持续评估感染的解剖范围、可能涉及的病原体和抗菌药物耐药性的危险因素、感染的起源和程度、患者的临床状况和宿主的免疫状态,以优化复杂 IAI 患者的治疗。