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Revisiting the Metacognitive and Affective Model of Self-Regulated Learning: Origins, Development, and Future Directions
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-024-09896-9
Anastasia Efklides , Bennett L. Schwartz

Efklides and colleagues developed the Metacognitive and Affective model of Self-Regulated Learning (MASRL) to provide a comprehensive theoretical framework of self-regulated learning (SRL). The distinguishing feature of MASRL is that it stresses metacognitive experiences and other subjective experiences (e.g., motivational, affective) as critical components of SRL. The insights underlying the model are that metacognitive experiences are related to affect, and that metacognition, motivation, and affect interact in SRL rather than function independently. Moreover, the MASRL proposes that SRL takes place at two levels, the Person and the Task X Person levels, with the latter being specific to the learning task and its demands. Although SRL can start with goal setting and planning in a top-down manner, monitoring and control processes at the Task X Person level provide input for bottom-up SRL. To highlight the theory-building process that led to the MASRL theory, we present questions that inspired its conception, its theoretical underpinnings, and current evidence supporting it. We also discuss the implications of the MASRL theory for understanding SRL in the classroom and for teacher–student interactions. Finally, we discuss open questions and issues that future research on MASRL would address in the context of educational psychology and SRL promotion.



Efklides 及其同事开发了自我调节学习的元认知和情感模型(MASRL),为自我调节学习(SRL)提供了全面的理论框架。 MASRL 的显着特征是它强调元认知体验和其他主观体验(例如动机、情感)作为 SRL 的关键组成部分。该模型背后的见解是,元认知体验与情感相关,并且元认知、动机和情感在 SRL 中相互作用,而不是独立发挥作用。此外,MASRL 提出 SRL 发生在两个级别:人员级别和任务 X 人员级别,后者特定于学习任务及其要求。尽管 SRL 可以以自上而下的方式从目标设定和规划开始,但任务 X 人员级别的监视和控制流程为自下而上的 SRL 提供输入。为了强调 MASRL 理论的理论构建过程,我们提出了激发其概念的问题、其理论基础以及支持它的当前证据。我们还讨论了 MASRL 理论对于理解课堂 SRL 以及师生互动的影响。最后,我们讨论了未来 MASRL 研究将在教育心理学和 SRL 推广背景下解决的悬而未决的问题和问题。
