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Effects of military training, warfare and civilian ammunition debris on the soil organisms: an ecotoxicological review
Biology and Fertility of Soils ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s00374-024-01835-8
Andrés Rodríguez-Seijo , David Fernández-Calviño , Manuel Arias-Estévez , Daniel Arenas-Lago

Civilian and military activities are sources of water and soil contamination by inorganic and organic contaminants caused by shooting practices, warfare, and/or mechanized military training. Lead poisoning and contaminant bioaccumulation due to spent shots or other related military contaminants have been widely studied for mammals, birds, and plants. Although there are different papers on the impact on earthworms, information on micro and mesofauna (i.e., collembola, nematodes, etc.) is still scarce. Here, we review the published data regarding the impact of civilian and military shooting activities, including war-impacted areas, focusing on soil organisms, from microbial communities to the ecotoxicological effects on terrestrial organisms. One hundred eleven studies were considered where earthworms and enchytraeids were widely studied, especially under ecotoxicological assays with Pb and energetic-related compounds from military explosives. There is a lack of information on soil organism groups, such as mites, ants, or gastropods, which play important roles in soil function. Data from combined exposures (e.g., PTEs + TNT and PTEs + PAHs) is scarce since several studies focused on a single contaminant, usually Pb, when combined contaminants would be more realistic. Ecotoxicological assays should also cover other understudied ammunition elements, such as Bi, Cu, or W.



民用和军事活动是射击练习、战争和/或机械化军事训练造成的无机和有机污染物造成水和土壤污染的来源。由于废弹或其他相关军事污染物导致的铅中毒和污染物生物累积已针对哺乳动物、鸟类和植物进行了广泛研究。尽管关于对蚯蚓的影响有不同的论文,但关于微型和中型动物(即跳虫、线虫等)的信息仍然很少。在这里,我们回顾了已发布的有关民用和军事射击活动影响的数据,包括受战争影响的地区,重点关注土壤生物,从微生物群落到对陆地生物的生态毒理学影响。我们考虑了 111 项研究,其中广泛研究了蚯蚓和蚓螈,特别是对军用爆炸物中的铅和高能相关化合物进行了生态毒理学测定。缺乏关于土壤生物群的信息,例如螨虫、蚂蚁或腹足动物,这些生物群在土壤功能中发挥着重要作用。组合暴露(例如 PTEs + TNT 和 PTEs + PAHs)的数据很少,因为一些研究集中于单一污染物(通常是 Pb),而组合污染物更为现实。生态毒理学测定还应涵盖其他未充分研究的弹药元素,例如 Bi、Cu 或 W。
