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Reply to: Critical comment on the assumptions leading to 24-chain microfibrils in wood
Nature Plants ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-07 , DOI: 10.1038/s41477-024-01727-7
Hwan-Ching Tai , Cheng-Si Tsao , Jer-Horng Lin

replying to P. A. Penttilä and A. Paajanen Nature Plants https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-024-01689-w (2024)

To understand why Model 3 would provide a better fit, we conducted simulations and observed that a semi-disordered shell with a thickness of 4 Å could make critical contributions in the q-range of 0.25–0.30 Å−1 (that is, the first oscillation), also causing the profile shape (0.15–0.25 Å−1) to shift slightly towards the low-q direction (Fig. 3a). Although the q-range of 0.25–0.30 Å−1 contains critical data about shell-layer thickness, it is usually inaccessible in SAXS experiments and thus ignored in the literature. If we use only the major streak data below 0.25 Å−1 for fitting, the two-phase model still gives a core radius of 12.0 Å (n = 15, dry spruce). Our updated analyses are therefore consistent with the values reported in our original paper for dry spruce: a core radius of 11.9 Å (n = 9, by SAXS) and a shell thickness of ~4 Å (by nuclear magnetic resonance + SAXS)6.


回复:对木材中 24 链微原纤维假设的批判性评论

replying to P. A. Penttilä and A. Paajanen Nature Plants https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-024-01689-w (2024)

为了理解为什么模型 3 能提供更好的拟合,我们进行了模拟并观察到厚度为 4 Å 的半无序壳可以在 0.25–0.30 Å −1q范围内做出关键贡献(即第一个振荡),也导致轮廓形状(0.15–0.25 Å -1 )稍微向低q方向移动(图 3a)。尽管 0.25–0.30 Å -1q范围包含有关壳层厚度的关键数据,但在 SAXS 实验中通常无法访问,因此在文献中被忽略。如果我们仅使用低于 0.25 Å -1 的主条纹数据进行拟合,两相模型仍给出 12.0 Å 的核心半径( n = 15,干云杉)。因此,我们更新的分析与我们原始论文中报告的干云杉值一致:核半径为 11.9 Å( n = 9,通过 SAXS),壳厚度约为 4 Å(通过核磁共振 + SAXS) 6
