Mineralium Deposita ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s00126-024-01287-y Wei Hong , Adrian Fabris , Sarah Gilbert , Benjamin P. Wade , Alan S. Collins , Tom Wise , Anthony J. Reid
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To evaluate the fertility of porphyry mineralization in the Delamerian Orogen (South Australia), zircon and apatite from four prospects, including Anabama Hill, Netley Hill, Bendigo, and Colebatch, have been analyzed by LA-ICP-MS and electron microprobe. The zircon is characterized by heavy REEs enrichment relative to light REEs, high (Ce/Nd)N (1.3–45), and weak to moderate negative Eu/Eu* (0.2–0.78). The apatite has right-sloped REE patterns with variably negative to positive Eu anomalies. Low Mg (< 670 ppm) and Sr/Y ratios (< 5) in apatite likely illustrate fractional crystallization trends for the granitic melts in shallow crust. The Yb/Gb and Eu/Eu* in zircon reveal that intrusions at Anabama Hill, Netley Hill, and Bendigo underwent fractional crystallization controlled by amphibole (< 50–60%), garnet (< 15%), apatite (< 0.6%), and/or titanite (< 0.3%). These stocks have average fO2 values reported relative to fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer (ΔFMQ), from 0.7 ± 0.9 to 2.1 ± 0.4, ascribed to prolonged magmatic evolution or sulfur degassing during post-subduction processes. Our data imply that both Anabama and Bendigo complexes experienced prevalent (garnet-) amphibole crystallization from hydrous melts that have moderately high oxidation (ΔFMQ + 1 to + 3) and elevated sulfur-chlorine components (Anabama, 37 ± 9 to 134 ± 83 ppm S and 0.30 ± 0.24 to 0.64 ± 0.89 wt% Cl; Bendigo, 281 ± 178 to 909 ± 474 ppm S and 0.45 ± 0.47 to 3.01 ± 1.54 wt% Cl). These are crucial ingredients to form porphyry Cu–Mo ± Au ores with economic significance, which provides encouragement for mineral exploration in this orogen.

利用锆石和磷灰石化学对南澳大利亚德拉梅里亚造山带斑岩 Cu-Mo ± Au 矿化进行指纹识别
为了评估 Delamerian 造山带(南澳大利亚)斑岩矿化的肥力,我们使用 LA-ICP-MS 和电子显微探针对来自 Anabama Hill、Netley Hill、Bendigo 和 Colebatch 等四个矿区的锆石和磷灰石进行了分析。锆石的特点是相对于轻稀土元素,重稀土元素富集,高(Ce/Nd) N (1.3-45),以及弱到中度负Eu/Eu*(0.2-0.78)。磷灰石具有右倾斜的 REE 模式,具有从负到正的 Eu 异常。磷灰石中的低 Mg(< 670 ppm)和 Sr/Y 比率(< 5)可能说明了浅地壳中花岗岩熔体的分步结晶趋势。锆石中的 Yb/Gb 和 Eu/Eu* 显示,Anabama Hill、Netley Hill 和 Bendigo 的侵入岩经历了角闪石 (< 50–60%)、石榴石 (< 15%)、磷灰石 (< 0.6%) 控制的分步结晶。和/或钛矿 (< 0.3%)。据报告,这些矿藏的平均 fO 2 值相对于铁橄榄石-磁铁矿-石英缓冲液 (ΔFMQ) 为 0.7 ± 0.9 至 2.1 ± 0.4,归因于俯冲后过程中长期的岩浆演化或硫脱气。我们的数据表明,Anabama 和 Bendigo 复合体都经历了普遍的(石榴石型)角闪石结晶,从具有中等高氧化(ΔFMQ + 1 至 + 3)和升高的硫氯成分(Anabama,37 ± 9 至 134 ± 83 ppm)的含水熔体中结晶出来。 S 和 0.30 ± 0.24 至 0.64 ± 0.89 wt% Cl;本迪戈,281 ± 178 至 909 ± 474 ppm S 和 0.45 ± 0.47 至 3.01 ± 1.54 wt% Cl)。这些是形成具有经济意义的斑岩铜钼金矿石的关键成分,为该造山带的矿产勘查提供了动力。