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ComSoc Standards Activities
IEEE Communications Magazine ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-05 , DOI: 10.1109/mcom.2024.10550030
Robert Schober , Mehmet Ulema , Peiying Zhu

The mission of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Standards Activities is to develop IEEE communications and networking standards as well as to create and maintain ComSoc standards-related activities and products. Standards Activities in ComSoc are managed by two distinct ComSoc Boards: The Standards Development Board (COM/SDB) and the Standardization Programs Development Board (SPDB). In this month's column of the IEEE Communications Magazine, I am delighted to introduce Dr. Mehmet Ulema, the Director of ComSoc Standards Development, who chairs COM/SDB, and Dr. Peiying Zhu, Director of the ComSoc Standards Programs Development, who chairs SPDB.


ComSoc 标准活动

IEEE 通信协会 (ComSoc) 标准活动的使命是开发 IEEE 通信和网络标准,以及创建和维护与 ComSoc 标准相关的活动和产品。 ComSoc 的标准活动由两个不同的 ComSoc 委员会管理:标准开发委员会 (COM/SDB) 和标准化计划开发委员会 (SPDB)。在本月的 IEEE 通信杂志专栏中,我很高兴地介绍 ComSoc 标准开发总监、COM/SDB 主席 Mehmet Ulema 博士和 ComSoc 标准项目开发总监、SPDB 主席朱培英博士。