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Series Editorial: Network Softwarization and Management
IEEE Communications Magazine ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-05 , DOI: 10.1109/mcom.2024.10549531
Oscar Caicedo , Walter Cerroni , Noura Limam , Müge Sayıt

The IEEE Communications Magazine Series on Network Softwarization and Management represents a timely source of in-depth, cutting-edge articles on state-of-the-art technologies and solutions related to two fields that are highly relevant for today's Communication Networks and their evolution. On one hand, Network Softwarization advocates for architectures where software and programmability aspects in the implementation of network functions, protocols, and services are decoupled from the underlying infrastructure, fostering unprecedented levels of flexibility, abstraction, automation, and intelligence. On the other hand, Network Management aims at integrating fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security (FCAPS) capabilities in the network, and supporting advanced autonomic and self-management features, often taking advantage of the potential offered by Network Softwarization.



IEEE 通信杂志网络软件化和管理系列提供了关于最先进技术和解决方案的深入、前沿文章的及时来源,这两个领域与当今的通信网络及其发展高度相关。一方面,网络软件化倡导网络功能、协议和服务实现中的软件和可编程性方面与底层基础设施解耦的架构,从而培育前所未有的灵活性、抽象性、自动化和智能水平。另一方面,网络管理旨在集成网络中的故障、配置、计费、性能和安全(FCAPS)功能,并支持先进的自主和自我管理功能,通常利用网络软件化提供的潜力。