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Using reporting guidelines in sports and exercise medicine research: why and how to raise the bar?
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108101
David Blanco 1 , Aïda Cadellans-Arróniz 2 , Márcio Vinícius Fagundes Donadio 2, 3 , Melissa K Sharp 4 , Martí Casals 5, 6, 7 , Pascal Edouard 8, 9

Have you already heard about the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT), Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), or Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT)? Are you using these reporting guidelines (RGs)? And if so, how? These, and other guidelines, should be used when submitting research manuscripts to most of journals in the field of sports and exercise medicine. But why are they so important? This editorial has two goals: (1) to illustrate how reporting quality differs from methodological quality and why complete reporting is key to maximise the clinical impact of research and (2) to be a call to action for journal editors, peer reviewers and authors to effectively use RGs to improve reporting according to the needs of the sports and exercise medicine community. Let us start by looking at two concepts that are often confused or used interchangeably: reporting quality (or completeness of reporting) and methodological quality. While the first refers to how well the methods and findings are reported in a manuscript, the latter addresses how well the research has been designed and conducted.1 These two concepts are heavily linked. Complete reporting allows readers to ascertain the methodological quality of research, and therefore, know to what extent the results may be biased (table 1). When there is clinical uncertainty, clinicians and researchers in the sports and exercise medicine field look to the published evidence base for answers. Complete reporting allows for the creation of stronger recommendations for healthcare, and …



您是否已经听说过报告试验综合标准 (CONSORT)、系统评价和荟萃分析首选报告项目 (PRISMA) 或运动报告模板共识 (CERT)?您是否使用这些报告指南 (RG)?如果是这样,怎么办?在向运动和运动医学领域的大多数期刊提交研究稿件时,应使用这些指南和其他指南。但为什么它们如此重要?这篇社论有两个目标:(1) 说明报告质量与方法学质量有何不同,以及为什么完整的报告是最大限度地发挥研究临床影响的关键;(2) 呼吁期刊编辑、同行评审员和作者采取行动,根据运动和运动医学界的需求,有效地使用 RG 来改进报告。让我们首先看看两个经常被混淆或互换使用的概念:报告质量(或报告的完整性)和方法质量。第一个指的是手稿中方法和研究结果的报告程度,而后者则指的是研究的设计和实施程度。1这两个概念密切相关。完整的报告使读者能够确定研究的方法学质量,从而了解结果可能存在多大程度的偏差(表 1)。当临床存在不确定性时,运动和运动医学领域的临床医生和研究人员会从已发表的证据库中寻找答案。完整的报告可以为医疗保健提出更有力的建议,并且……