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Modeling and reduction of high frequency scatter noise at LIGO Livingston
Classical and Quantum Gravity ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-07 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad494a
Siddharth Soni , Jane Glanzer , Anamaria Effler , Valera Frolov , Gabriela González , Arnaud Pele , Robert Schofield

The sensitivity of aLIGO detectors is adversely affected by the presence of noise caused by light scattering. Low frequency seismic disturbances can create higher frequency scattering noise adversely impacting the frequency band in which we detect gravitational waves. In this paper, we analyze instances of a type of scattered light noise we call ‘Fast Scatter’ that is produced by motion at frequencies greater than 1 Hz, to locate surfaces in the detector that may be responsible for the noise. We model the phase noise to better understand the relationship between increases in seismic noise near the site and the resulting Fast Scatter observed. We find that mechanical damping of the arm cavity baffles led to a significant reduction of this noise in recent data. For a similar degree of seismic motion in the 1– 3Hz range, the rate of noise transients is reduced by a factor of ~50.


LIGO 利文斯顿高频散射噪声的建模和降低

aLIGO 探测器的灵敏度会受到光散射引起的噪声的不利影响。低频地震扰动会产生更高频率的散射噪声,对我们检测引力波的频段产生不利影响。在本文中,我们分析了一种我们称为“快速散射”的散射光噪声的实例,该噪声是由频率大于 1 Hz 的运动产生的,以定位探测器中可能产生噪声的表面。我们对相位噪声进行建模,以更好地理解现场附近地震噪声的增加与观察到的快速散射之间的关系。我们发现,在最近的数据中,臂腔挡板的机械阻尼导致这种噪音显着降低。对于 1–3 Hz 范围内类似程度的地震运动,噪声瞬变率降低了约 50 倍。