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Factors Associated with Erectile Dysfunction Among Older Gay Men
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02908-3
Lucas R. Prieto , Deirdre A. Shires , Yuan Xiong

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue that aging men encounter, but whether internalized gay ageism (i.e., the internalization of ageist messages within the context of aging as a gay man) is related to ED among older gay men is unknown. A cross-sectional web-based survey explored the relationship between internalized gay ageism, health-related and social factors, and ED among older gay men who resided in the Midwest United States (N = 181). Internalized gay ageism was not significantly associated with ED. However, hierarchical regression analysis found that age (β = .224, t = 2.70, p = .008) and overall health (β = −.247, t = −3.05, p = .003) were significantly associated with ED among older gay men, suggesting that older gay men share similar risk factors for ED as the general male population. Future research should continue to explore other factors that are unique to gay men that may be associated with ED.



勃起功能障碍 (ED) 是老年男性遇到的常见问题,但内化的同性恋年龄歧视(即,在同性恋者衰老的背景下内化年龄歧视信息)是否与老年男同性恋者的 ED 有关尚不清楚。一项基于网络的横断面调查探讨了居住在美国中西部的老年男同性恋者中内在的同性恋年龄歧视、健康相关和社会因素以及 ED 之间的关系 (N = 181)。内在的同性恋年龄歧视与 ED 没有显着相关性。然而,分层回归分析发现,年龄(β = .224,t = 2.70,p = .008)和整体健康状况(β = -.247,t = -3.05,p = .003)与老年人中的 ED 显着相关男同性恋者,表明老年男同性恋者与一般男性人群具有相似的 ED 风险因素。未来的研究应该继续探索男同性恋者特有的、可能与 ED 相关的其他因素。
