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Future of Bianchi I magnetic cosmologies with kinetic matter
Classical and Quantum Gravity ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-06 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad4fd8
Ho Lee , Ernesto Nungesser

We show under the assumption of small data that solutions to the Einstein-Vlasov system with a pure magnetic field and Bianchi I symmetry isotropise and tend to dust solutions. We also obtain the decay rates for the main variables. This generalises part of the work (LeBlanc 1997 Class. Quantum Grav. 14 2281–301) concerning the future behaviour of orthogonal perfect fluids with a linear equation of state in the presence of a magnetic field to the Vlasov case.


Bianchi I 磁宇宙学与动力学物质的未来

我们在小数据假设下证明,具有纯磁场和 Bianchi I 对称性的爱因斯坦-弗拉索夫系统的解各向同性并且倾向于尘埃解。我们还获得了主要变量的衰减率。这将有关在磁场存在下具有线性状态方程的正交完美流体的未来行为的部分工作(LeBlanc 1997 Class. Quantum Grav. 14 2281-301)概括为 Vlasov 情况。