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Learning efficient backprojections across cortical hierarchies in real time
Nature Machine Intelligence ( IF 18.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-06 , DOI: 10.1038/s42256-024-00845-3
Kevin Max , Laura Kriener , Garibaldi Pineda García , Thomas Nowotny , Ismael Jaras , Walter Senn , Mihai A. Petrovici

Models of sensory processing and learning in the cortex need to efficiently assign credit to synapses in all areas. In deep learning, a known solution is error backpropagation, which requires biologically implausible weight transport from feed-forwards to feedback paths. We introduce phaseless alignment learning, a bio-plausible method to learn efficient feedback weights in layered cortical hierarchies. This is achieved by exploiting the noise naturally found in biophysical systems as an additional carrier of information. In our dynamical system, all weights are learned simultaneously with always-on plasticity and using only information locally available to the synapses. Our method is completely phase-free (no forwards and backwards passes or phased learning) and allows for efficient error propagation across multi-layer cortical hierarchies, while maintaining biologically plausible signal transport and learning. Our method is applicable to a wide class of models and improves on previously known biologically plausible ways of credit assignment: compared to random synaptic feedback, it can solve complex tasks with fewer neurons and learn more useful latent representations. We demonstrate this on various classification tasks using a cortical microcircuit model with prospective coding.



