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Thermoeconomic analysis of sCO2 power cycles
AIChE Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-05 , DOI: 10.1002/aic.18502
Duoli Chen 1 , John P. O'Connell 2 , Warren D. Seider 1

The second-law analysis evaluates the irreversibilities of a process. Systematic study of the relationship between thermodynamic efficiency and process modifications enhances process synthesis. The Allam cycle is an oxy-fuel combustion cycle with nearly complete carbon capture that offers greater efficiency than current electricity generating systems. This study applies lost work analysis to the original Allam cycle and three modifications to obtain the distribution of irreversibilities and the effects of different configurations among potential process improvements for more sustainable power generation. The major inefficiencies are from the combustors and heat exchangers. We also examine the economic profitability of the alternatives. The largest equipment costs are for the turbines, compressors, and recuperators. We find that improving efficiency leads to less economic return; a configuration with partial compression has the highest efficiency, while the original Allam cycle has the highest profitability. We discuss how to resolve this apparent conflict between sustainability and profitability.


sCO2 动力循环的热经济分析
