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Post glacial sediment partitioning on a tectonically controlled, narrow shelf (Calabro-Tyrrhenian margin, Italy): Issues in defining S2S budget
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2024.104815
Daniele Casalbore , Eleonora Martorelli , Domenico Ridente , Romano Clementucci , Francesco Latino Chiocci

The re-analysis of high-resolution seismic profiles collected along the narrow (2–9 km) shelf facing ∼90 km of the Calabro-Tyrrhenian coastline has enabled the reconstruction of its sequence-stratigraphic architecture, along with the quantification of sediment volumes accommodated during the last post-glacial sea level rise and highstand. The shelf volumes are compared with the gross volumes supplied by the short and steep rivers draining the uplifted hinterland area, obtained from morphometric analysis and inferred denudation rates (derived from uplift rates) of the drainage basins. The study area is divided in two main sectors based on the different morpho-stratigraphic setting and fluvial network controlling sediment distribution on the shelf. The Coastal Range sector is characterized by closely spaced mountainous rivers and narrow coastal plains; on the shelf, the post-LGM deposits show a main depocenter (up to 60 m thick) elongated ∼27 km parallel to the coastline. This shelf sector hosts up to 80% of the sediment sourced from rivers, with a small percentage of sediment loss, mainly related to off-shelf export along a network of shelf-indenting submarine canyons. Sediment deficit due to river aggradation is considered negligible based on the narrow and V-shaped thalwegs typical of the rivers in this sector. The Santa Eufemia sector is characterized by larger rivers and a wider coastal plain, with a major depocenter (up to 50 m thick) confined off the Amato River. In this sector, the entire post-LGM sequence accounts only for about 30% of the sediment supplied by rivers (60% considering only the HST), indicating that, in addition to sediment exported off-shelf, a significant part is trapped by river aggradation within the coastal plain. The volumetric comparison has also evidenced local but significant discrepancies in sedimentary budget between adjacent sub-sectors, likely related to the effect of northward-directed shelf currents on sediment distribution along the shelf.


冰川后沉积物在构造控制的狭窄陆架上的分配(意大利卡拉布罗-第勒尼安边缘):定义 S2S 预算的问题

对沿卡拉布罗-第勒尼安海岸线约 90 公里的狭窄(2-9 公里)陆架收集的高分辨率地震剖面进行重新分析,能够重建其层序地层结构,并量化所容纳的沉积物体积在最后一次冰期后海平面上升和高位期间。将陆架体积与排水隆起腹地地区的短而陡的河流供应的总体积进行比较,该总体积是通过流域的形态分析和推断的剥蚀率(源自隆起率)获得的。根据不同的地貌背景和控制陆架沉积物分布的河流网络,研究区域分为两个主要部分。沿海山脉地区的特点是山区河流密集、沿海平原狭窄;在大陆架上,末次盛宴后的沉积物显示出一个主要沉积中心(厚度达 60 m),与海岸线平行延伸约 27 公里。该陆架区域容纳了高达 80% 来自河流的沉积物,只有一小部分沉积物流失,主要与沿着陆架凹陷的海底峡谷网络的外陆出口有关。由于该区域河流典型的狭窄且 V 形的河道,由于河流淤积而造成的泥沙不足被认为可以忽略不计。 Santa Eufemia 区域的特点是河流较大、沿海平原较宽,主要沉积中心(厚度达 50 m)位于阿马托河附近。在该区域中,整个末次盛冰期序列仅占河流供应沉积物的约30%(仅考虑HST为60%),这表明除了外陆沉积物外,很大一部分被河流截留沿海平原内的加剧。 体积比较还证明了相邻子区域之间沉积物收支存在局部但显着的差异,这可能与向北的陆架流对沿陆架的沉积物分布的影响有关。