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Beyond the game: a community’s transformation through sports
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108605
Kanishka Pandey 1

This story revolves around the twin villages of Bahadarpur and Khedi-Viran in Muzaffarnagar District, Uttar Pradesh, India.1 These villages are situated in what is known as the ‘Sugar Bowl of India’, primarily reliant on agriculture, especially sugarcane, with additional industries in steel and paper. Despite being a significant agricultural hub, the region lacks essential facilities in education, healthcare and sports. The twin villages, like many rural areas in India, face challenges due to the absence of basic civic amenities.2 While there have been improvements in education, health, sanitation and access to drinking water in recent years, sports facilities have not been a priority for the government. This lack of focus on sports has led to various difficulties for the local population. These include the absence of proper playgrounds, lack of organised sports activities, limited awareness about different sports (aside from cricket) among children, minimal exposure to the benefits of sports, negative attitudes towards sports and a perception that sports are a waste of time. Essentially, this community, characterised by low income and limited exposure to sports, has missed out on the positive impacts that sports …



这个故事围绕印度北方邦穆扎法尔纳加尔区的巴哈达尔普尔和赫迪-维兰这对孪生村庄展开。1 这些村庄位于被称为“印度糖罐”的地方,主要依赖农业,特别是甘蔗,此外还有其他农业。钢铁和造纸工业。尽管是重要的农业中心,但该地区缺乏必要的教育、医疗和体育设施。与印度许多农村地区一样,这两个村庄也因缺乏基本的市政设施而面临挑战。2 尽管近年来教育、健康、卫生和饮用水供应方面有所改善,但体育设施并不是优先考虑的事项对于政府来说。对体育运动的缺乏关注给当地居民带来了各种困难。这些问题包括缺乏适当的游乐场、缺乏有组织的体育活动、儿童对不同运动(板球除外)的认识有限、很少接触到运动的好处、对运动持消极态度以及认为运动是浪费时间。从本质上讲,这个社区以低收入和有限的体育运动为特征,错过了体育运动的积极影响……