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Multiyear surface wave dataset from the subsurface “DeepLev” eastern Levantine moored station
Earth System Science Data ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 , DOI: 10.5194/essd-16-2659-2024
Nir Haim , Vika Grigorieva , Rotem Soffer , Boaz Mayzel , Timor Katz , Ronen Alkalay , Eli Biton , Ayah Lazar , Hezi Gildor , Ilana Berman-Frank , Yishai Weinstein , Barak Herut , Yaron Toledo

Abstract. Processed and analyzed sea surface wave characteristics derived from an up-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) for the period 2016–2022 are presented as a dataset available from the public open-access repository of SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) at https://doi.org/10.17882/96904 (Haim et al., 2022). The collected data include full two-dimensional wave fields, along with computed bulk parameters, such as wave heights, periods, and directions of propagation. The ADCP was mounted on the submerged Deep Levantine (DeepLev) mooring station located 50 km off the Israeli coast to the west of Haifa (bottom depth ∼1470 m). It meets the need for accurate and reliable in situ measurements in the eastern Mediterranean Sea as the area significantly lacks wave data compared to other Mediterranean sub-basins. The developed long-term time series of wave parameters contribute to the monitoring and analysis of the region's wave climate and the quality of wind–wave forecasting models.



摘要。 2016-2022 年期间从上视声学多普勒电流剖面仪 (ADCP) 获得的经过处理和分析的海面波特征作为数据集,可从 SEA scieNtific 开放数据版 (SEANOE) 的公共开放访问存储库获取,网址为 https ://doi.org/10.17882/96904(Haim 等人,2022)。收集的数据包括完整的二维波场,以及计算出的体参数,例如波高、周期和传播方向。 ADCP 安装在水下深黎凡特 (DeepLev) 系泊站上,该系泊站位于距海法以西以色列海岸 50 公里处(底部深度约 1470 米)。它满足了地中海东部地区对准确、可靠的现场测量的需求,因为与其他地中海次流域相比,该地区严重缺乏波浪数据。开发的波浪参数长期时间序列有助于该地区波浪气候的监测和分析以及风浪预报模型的质量。