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The role of RObotic surgery in EMergency setting (ROEM): protocol for a multicentre, observational, prospective international study on the use of robotic platform in emergency surgery
World Journal of Emergency Surgery ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 , DOI: 10.1186/s13017-024-00542-x
Marco Milone 1 , Pietro Anoldo 1 , Nicola de'Angelis 2 , Federico Coccolini 3 , Jim Khan 4 , Yoram Kluger 5 , Massimo Sartelli 6 , Luca Ansaloni 7 , Luca Morelli 3 , Nicola Zanini 8 , Carlo Vallicelli 8 , Gabriele Vigutto 8 , Ernest E Moore 9 , Walter Biffl 10 , Fausto Catena 8 ,

Robotic surgery has gained widespread acceptance in elective interventions, yet its role in emergency procedures remains underexplored. While the 2021 WSES position paper discussed limited studies on the application of robotics in emergency general surgery, it recommended strict patient selection, adequate training, and improved platform accessibility. This prospective study aims to define the role of robotic surgery in emergency settings, evaluating intraoperative and postoperative outcomes and assessing its feasibility and safety. The ROEM study is an observational, prospective, multicentre, international analysis of clinically stable adult patients undergoing robotic surgery for emergency treatment of acute pathologies including diverticulitis, cholecystitis, and obstructed hernias. Data collection includes patient demographics and intervention details. Furthermore, data relating to the operating theatre team and the surgical instruments used will be collected in order to conduct a cost analysis. The study plans to enrol at least 500 patients from 50 participating centres, with each centre having a local lead and collaborators. All data will be collected and stored online through a secure server running the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) web application. Ethical considerations and data governance will be paramount, requiring local ethical committee approvals from participating centres. Current literature and expert consensus suggest the feasibility of robotic surgery in emergencies with proper support. However, challenges include staff training, scheduling conflicts with elective surgeries, and increased costs. The ROEM study seeks to contribute valuable data on the safety, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness of robotic surgery in emergency settings, focusing on specific pathologies. Previous studies on cholecystitis, abdominal hernias, and diverticulitis provide insights into the benefits and challenges of robotic approaches. It is necessary to identify patient populations that benefit most from robotic emergency surgery to optimize outcomes and justify costs.



机器人手术在选择性干预中已获得广泛接受,但其在紧急手术中的作用仍未得到充分探索。虽然 2021 年 WSES 立场文件讨论了机器人技术在急诊普外科中应用的有限研究,但它建议严格的患者选择、充分的培训和改善平台的可访问性。这项前瞻性研究旨在明确机器人手术在紧急情况下的作用,评估术中和术后结果并评估其可行性和安全性。 ROEM 研究是一项观察性、前瞻性、多中心、国际分析,对象是接受机器人手术紧急治疗憩室炎、胆囊炎和梗阻性疝气等急性病症的临床稳定成年患者。数据收集包括患者人口统计数据和干预细节。此外,还将收集有关手术室团队和所用手术器械的数据,以进行成本分析。该研究计划招募来自 50 个参与中心的至少 500 名患者,每个中心都有一名当地领导者和合作者。所有数据将通过运行研究电子数据捕获 (REDCap) Web 应用程序的安全服务器在线收集和存储。道德考虑和数据治理至关重要,需要参与中心的当地道德委员会批准。目前的文献和专家共识表明,在适当的支持下,机器人手术在紧急情况下是可行的。然而,挑战包括员工培训、与择期手术的安排冲突以及成本增加。 ROEM 研究旨在就紧急情况下机器人手术的安全性、可行性和成本效益提供有价值的数据,重点关注特定的病理学。先前关于胆囊炎、腹部疝气和憩室炎的研究提供了对机器人方法的好处和挑战的见解。有必要确定从机器人紧急手术中受益最多的患者群体,以优化结果并证明成本合理。