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Living with wolves: A worldwide systematic review of attitudes
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-024-02036-1
Magnus Barmoen , Kim Magnus Bærum , Kristin E. Mathiesen

This systematic review of peer reviewed articles on attitudes towards gray wolves (Canis lupus), shows that attitudes are mainly measured either by mean values of attitudes or by proportional differences in attitudes. This may impact on how attitudes are perceived and interpreted across studies and areas. However, independent of method used, we found that people living in areas where wolves always have existed, are more negative towards wolves compared to people living in areas where there are no wolves, or where wolves have recovered after years of absence. People who express fear, or being directly affected by having wolves, such as farmers and hunters, report more negative attitudes compared to other groups of respondents. For wolf conservation we recommend politicians and management authorities to prepare local societies of the different consequences of living in wolf areas. We recommend using dialogues and conflict management methods to minimize the level of conflicts.



对有关灰狼(Canis lupus)态度的同行评审文章的系统回顾表明,态度主要通过态度平均值或态度比例差异来衡量。这可能会影响跨研究和跨领域的态度感知和解释方式。然而,与使用的方法无关,我们发现,与生活在没有狼或狼消失多年后恢复的地区的人们相比,生活在狼一直存在的地区的人们对狼的态度更为消极。与其他受访者群体相比,表达恐惧或直接受到狼影​​响的人(例如农民和猎人)表现出更多的消极态度。对于狼保护,我们建议政治家和管理当局让当地社会做好准备,应对生活在狼群地区的不同后果。我们建议使用对话和冲突管理方法来尽量减少冲突的程度。
