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Hippocampal subfield volume in older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment: Effects of worry and cognitive reappraisal
Neurobiology of Aging ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2024.02.017
Helmet T. Karim , Soyoung Lee , Andrew Gerlach , Mark Stinley , Rachel Berta , Rebecca Mahbubani , Dana L. Tudorascu , Meryl A. Butters , James J. Gross , Carmen Andreescu

Studies have confirmed that anxiety, especially worry and rumination, are associated with increased risk for cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD). Hippocampal atrophy is a hallmark of ADRD. We investigated the association between hippocampus and its subfield volumes and late-life global anxiety, worry, and rumination, and emotion regulation strategies. We recruited 110 participants with varying worry severity who underwent magnetic resonance imaging and clinical interviews. We conducted cross-sectional regression analysis between each subfield and anxiety, worry, rumination, reappraisal, and suppression while adjusting for age, sex, race, education, cumulative illness burden, stress, neuroticism, and intracranial volume. We imputed missing data and corrected for multiple comparisons across regions. Greater worry was associated with smaller subiculum volume, whereas greater use of reappraisal was associated with larger subiculum and CA1 volume. Greater worry may be detrimental to the hippocampus and to subfields involved in early ADRD pathology. Use of reappraisal appears protective of hippocampal structure. Worry and reappraisal may be modifiable targets for ADRD prevention.



研究证实,焦虑,尤其是担忧和沉思,与认知能力下降的风险增加有关,包括阿尔茨海默病和相关痴呆症 (ADRD)。海马萎缩是 ADRD 的一个标志。我们研究了海马体及其子区域体积与晚年整体焦虑、担忧、沉思和情绪调节策略之间的关联。我们招募了 110 名具有不同担忧程度的参与者,他们接受了磁共振成像和临床访谈。我们对每个子领域与焦虑、担忧、沉思、重新评估和抑制之间进行了横断面回归分析,同时调整了年龄、性别、种族、教育程度、累积疾病负担、压力、神经质和颅内容量。我们估算了缺失的数据并纠正了跨区域的多重比较。更大的担忧与较小的下托体积相关,而更多地使用重新评估与较大的下托和 CA1 体积相关。更大的担忧可能对海马体和涉及早期 ADRD 病理学的子区域有害。使用重新评估似乎可以保护海马结构。担忧和重新评估可能是 ADRD 预防的可修改目标。