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Neurobiological basis of stress resilience
Neuron ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.05.001
Eric J Nestler 1 , Scott J Russo 1

A majority of humans faced with severe stress maintain normal physiological and behavioral function, a process referred to as resilience. Such stress resilience has been modeled in laboratory animals and, over the past 15 years, has transformed our understanding of stress responses and how to approach the treatment of human stress disorders such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety disorders. Work in rodents has demonstrated that resilience to chronic stress is an active process that involves much more than simply avoiding the deleterious effects of the stress. Rather, resilience is mediated largely by the induction of adaptations that are associated uniquely with resilience. Such mechanisms of natural resilience in rodents are being characterized at the molecular, cellular, and circuit levels, with an increasing number being validated in human investigations. Such discoveries raise the novel possibility that treatments for human stress disorders, in addition to being geared toward reversing the damaging effects of stress, can also be based on inducing mechanisms of natural resilience in individuals who are inherently more susceptible. This review provides a progress report on this evolving field.



大多数人在面临严重压力时仍能保持正常的生理和行为功能,这一过程称为复原力。这种压力恢复能力已在实验动物中建立了模型,并且在过去 15 年里,改变了我们对压力反应以及如何治疗抑郁症、创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 和焦虑症等人类压力障碍的理解。对啮齿动物的研究表明,对慢性压力的恢复能力是一个积极的过程,涉及的不仅仅是避免压力的有害影响。相反,复原力主要是通过与复原力独特相关的适应的诱导来调节的。啮齿动物的这种自然恢复机制正在分子、细胞和回路水平上得到表征,并且越来越多的机制在人类研究中得到验证。这些发现提出了一种新的可能性,即人类应激障碍的治疗除了旨在扭转压力的破坏性影响外,还可以基于诱导天生更容易受到影响的个体的自然恢复机制。这篇评论提供了这个不断发展的领域的进展报告。