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2024, a Year of Celebrations [From the Editor]
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-03 , DOI: 10.1109/mvt.2024.3392395
Javier Gozalvez

The year 2024 is a year of celebrations for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) and IEEE. This year marks the 75th anniversary of VTS, which was initially formed as the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) Professional Group on Vehicular Communications (PGVC) in 1949 [1] before IRE and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) merged in 1963 to create IEEE as we know it today. The group was then renamed IEEE Vehicular Communications Group before becoming VTS in 1978 to reflect on the expansion of the fields of interest to electronics and transportation [1] . The year 2024 is also the year that will mark the 100th edition of our flagship IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), with the VTC 2024-Fall edition in Washington, DC, USA. VTC traces back its origin to the first conference in 1950 of PGVC in Detroit (with only eight technical presentations [1] ). Since then, VTC has grown to become an internationally recognized technical conference, with two conferences per year from 2000 to reflect on the growing international community. Our 75th and 100th anniversaries are significant milestones that highlight the importance and impact of VTS. VTC 2024-Fall will be a great opportunity for all of us to meet and celebrate the achievements of VTS and VTC and their impact in supporting the IEEE mission to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. For those of you interested to learn more about VTS and the development of vehicular communications, I recommend reading the article “Vehicle Communications Before 1950” that was published in the inaugural issue of IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine ( VTM ) in March 2006 [1] by Charles Backof, the founding editor in chief of VTM .


2024 年,值得庆祝的一年 [来自编辑]

2024 年是 IEEE 车辆技术协会 (VTS) 和 IEEE 值得庆祝的一年。今年是 VTS 成立 75 周年,VTS 最初成立于 1949 年,前身是无线电工程师协会 (IRE) 车辆通信专业组 (PGVC) [1],之后 IRE 和美国电气工程师协会 (AIEE) 于 1963 年合并创建我们今天所知的 IEEE。该小组后来更名为 IEEE 车辆通信小组,并于 1978 年更名为 VTS,以反映电子和运输领域的扩展[1]。 2024 年也是我们旗舰 IEEE 车辆技术会议 (VTC) 第 100 届的一年,VTC 2024 年秋季版将在美国华盛顿特区举行。 VTC 的起源可以追溯到 1950 年 PGVC 在底特律举行的第一次会议(只有 8 个技术报告 [1] )。从那时起,VTC 已发展成为国际公认的技术会议,从 2000 年起每年举办两次会议,以反映不断发展的国际社会。我们的 75 周年和 100 周年纪念日是重要的里程碑,凸显了 VTS 的重要性和影响。 VTC 2024-Fall 将是我们所有人见面和庆祝 VTS 和 VTC 所取得的成就及其对支持 IEEE 促进技术创新和卓越造福人类使命的影响的绝佳机会。对于那些有兴趣了解有关 VTS 和车辆通信发展的更多信息的人,我建议您阅读 2006 年 3 月发表在 IEEE 车辆技术杂志 (VTM) 创刊号上的文章“1950 年之前的车辆通信”[1] Charles Backof,VTM 创始主编。