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June 2024 Land Transportation News [Transportation Systems]
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-03 , DOI: 10.1109/mvt.2024.3376068
Bih-Yuan Ku

Alstom signed a contract for more than €500 million with the Royal Commission for AlUla for AlUla’s pioneering battery-powered tramway, the world’s longest catenary-free line. The fully integrated Alstom tramway system will feature 20 state-of-the-art Citadis B battery trams, as shown in Figure 1 . The 22.4-km line will encapsulate richness, history, and green mobility like no other, linking 17 strategically located stations, offering unmatched access to AlUla’s five core historical districts, including UNESCO World Heritage sites, such as AlUla Old Town (District 1), Dadan (District 2), Jabal Ikmah (District 3), Nabataean Horizon (District 4), and Hegra Historical City (District 5).



阿尔斯通与埃尔奥拉皇家委员会签署了一份价值超过 5 亿欧元的合同,建设埃尔奥拉开创性的电池供电有轨电车,这是世界上最长的无接触网线路。完全集成的阿尔斯通有轨电车系统将配备 20 辆最先进的 Citadis B 电池有轨电车,如图 1 所示。这条全长 22.4 公里的线路将展现无与伦比的丰富性、历史和绿色交通,连接 17 个战略位置的车站,提供前往埃尔奥拉五个核心历史区的无与伦比的通道,包括联合国教科文组织世界遗产,如埃尔奥拉老城(第一区)、达丹(Dadan)(第 2 区)、Jabal Ikmah(第 3 区)、纳巴泰地平线(Nabataean Horizo​​n)(第 4 区)和黑格拉历史城(Hegra Historical City)(第 5 区)。