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Civic administrative centres in the northern and southern cities of Ghana: Assessing their state and locational distribution and the implications for urban growth and land demand
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107199
Lukman Kura Abraham Safo , Daniel Yaw Addai Duah , Stephen Biliyitorb Liwur , Alexander Boakye Marful

Land remains a vital resource for the growth of infrastructure and human populations; however, it is increasingly becoming a matter of necessity to manage the earth's limited land and natural resources sustainably. Employing a mixed-methods research approach and case-studying Cape Coast and Wa, this study assessed the state and locational distribution of civic administrative land uses in the northern and southern cities of Ghana and clinched its implications for urban growth and land demand. Following this, the study found that the Cape Coast is 48% developed land-use-wise, and land dedicated to civic and administrative purposes is 0.019 km. Wa is 69% built-up, with 0.015 km allocated for civic purposes as of 2023. Also, the study found that the built environment and planning strategies pertaining to land optimisation relied heavily on governments’ policies, commitments, and support from the required agencies to formulate a comprehensive land use regime and land tenure system for fast-growing cities in Ghana. Therefore, the researchers suggest a proposed design of a model administrative centre that meets 21st century design requirements and standards for public offices should be envisioned, with strategies to initiate a new sustainable building regime for administrative centres in Ghana and similar geographies in sub-Saharan Africa.



土地仍然是基础设施和人口增长的重要资源;然而,可持续地管理地球上有限的土地和自然资源正日益成为一个必要的问题。本研究采用混合方法研究方法,并对海岸角和佤邦进行案例研究,评估了加纳北部和南部城市的市政行政用地的状态和位置分布,并确定了其对城市增长和土地需求的影响。研究发现,海岸角 48% 的土地已开发利用,其中用于市政和行政用途的土地面积为 0.019 平方公里。截至 2023 年,佤邦的建筑面积为 69%,其中 0.015 平方公里用于市政用途。此外,研究发现,与土地优化相关的建筑环境和规划策略在很大程度上依赖于政府的政策、承诺和相关机构的支持为加纳快速发展的城市制定全面的土地使用制度和土地保有制度。因此,研究人员建议,应设想一个符合 21 世纪公共办公室设计要求和标准的示范行政中心设计方案,并制定战略,为加纳和撒哈拉以南非洲类似地区的行政中心启动新的可持续建筑制度。