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The governance of affordable housing through public-private partnerships: Critical entanglements
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107193
Patricia Canelas , Sonia Alves

The debates about Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in planning and housing are characterised by varying perspectives, with some considering PPPs efficient and others viewing them as inherently problematic. These differing views often revolve around the perceived dichotomy between public and private sector objectives and timelines. While dichotomies can provide initial clarity, they often oversimplify the nuances and complexities of real-world issues, including in PPPs. This paper draws on the literature on governance, planning and housing with a focus on teasing out public-private sector relationships in land and property. Using a case study approach of a PPP programme for affordable housing led by Lisbon Municipality, the three main goals of the paper are to, first, determine whether and how partnerships can contribute to social infrastructure provision, including affordable housing; second, determine the multiple objectives of the various stakeholders involved in a public-private partnership; and third, determine the timelines for those objectives. Our findings suggest that there is a tendency for PPP participants and observers to rely on overly simplistic interpretations of and on dichotomies or simplistic viewpoints on the objectives and timelines of the various stakeholders. By avoiding these oversimplifications, we can better understand the growing complexity of urban governance in the development of social infrastructure, particularly in affordable housing.



关于规划和住房方面的公私合作伙伴关系 (PPP) 的争论具有不同的观点,一些人认为 PPP 是有效的,而另一些人则认为它们本身就有问题。这些不同的观点通常围绕公共和私营部门目标和时间表之间的二分法。虽然二分法可以提供初步的清晰度,但它们往往过于简单化现实世界问题的细微差别和复杂性,包括 PPP 中的问题。本文借鉴了有关治理、规划和住房的文献,重点梳理了土地和财产方面的公私部门关系。利用里斯本市领导的经济适用住房 PPP 项目的案例研究方法,本文的三个主要目标是:首先,确定伙伴关系是否以及如何为社会基础设施的提供做出贡献,包括经济适用住房;其次,确定参与公私伙伴关系的各个利益相关者的多重目标;第三,确定这些目标的时间表。我们的研究结果表明,PPP 参与者和观察者倾向于依赖对各利益相关者的目标和时间表过于简单化的解释或二分法或简单化的观点。通过避免这些过度简单化,我们可以更好地理解社会基础设施(特别是经济适用房)发展中城市治理日益复杂的情况。