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The Levantine Megalithic Building Techniques: A Groundbreaking Method Applied to Menjez’s Monuments (Akkar, Lebanon) from the 4th–3rd Millennium BCE
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10816-024-09654-9
Méryl Defours Rivoira , Florian Cousseau , Tara Steimer-Herbet

The aim of this paper is to present the methodology used to study the megalithic architecture of Menjez’s monuments (Akkar, Lebanon), as part of the MEG-A Project - “First megalith builders in the northern Levant” (2022–2025). Twenty-four monuments have been investigated since 2018. The primary objective is to pioneer a comprehensive understanding of the unique Levantine megalithic building techniques and re-establish the “chaînes opératoires,” by determining the builders’ sequence of actions. This groundbreaking methodology originally developed for Western European megalithic monuments, notably in Brittany, France, has been innovatively applied and customized to suit the Levantine context, specifically focusing on the distinctive basaltic monuments of Menjez and its surrounding areas. By using photogrammetry as a tool, the researchers are able to de-construct the megalithic architecture by analyzing the different components of these monuments. Moreover, it is then possible to describe monoliths according to their place within the monument and their geological and geomorphological features. Our work has led us to consider the symbolic aspect expressed in the megalithic architecture of Menjez. Employing this groundbreaking methodology not only yields concrete answers regarding the typology of these monuments but also dramatically reshapes our perception of their construction. It establishes a precise relative chronology for the various architectural phases and, most significantly, reveals the hidden details of the raw material supply chain.


黎凡特巨石建筑技术:公元前 4-3 世纪应用于 Menjez 纪念碑(黎巴嫩阿卡)的开创性方法

本文的目的是介绍用于研究 Menjez 纪念碑(黎巴嫩阿卡)巨石建筑的方法,作为 MEG-A 项目“黎凡特北部第一批巨石建造者”(2022-2025 年)的一部分。自 2018 年以来,我们对 24 座纪念碑进行了调查。主要目标是全面了解独特的黎凡特巨石建筑技术,并通过确定建造者的行动顺序来重建“链式操作”。这种开创性的方法最初是为西欧巨石古迹(尤其是法国布列塔尼)开发的,现已被创新地应用和定制,以适应黎凡特的环境,特别关注门赫斯及其周边地区独特的玄武岩古迹。通过使用摄影测量作为工具,研究人员能够通过分析这些纪念碑的不同组成部分来解构巨石建筑。此外,还可以根据巨石在纪念碑中的位置及其地质和地貌特征来描述巨石。我们的工作让我们思考门赫斯巨石建筑所表达的象征意义。采用这种突破性的方法不仅可以得出有关这些纪念碑类型的具体答案,而且还极大地重塑了我们对其建筑的看法。它为各个建筑阶段建立了精确的相对年表,最重要的是,揭示了原材料供应链的隐藏细节。
