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Introducing reusable food packaging: Customer preferences and design implications for successful market entry
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-01 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3820
Esther Noëth 1, 2 , Wim Van Opstal 3, 4 , Els Du Bois 1

To achieve the sustainable development goals and a transition to the circular economy, we need to tackle the problem of single‐use packaging. As reusable packaging options are increasingly available, both from a technical and business perspective, most studies focus on its technical and value chain aspects while largely ignoring customer perspectives. In this paper, we present results from survey data, evaluating customer preferences on reusable food packaging of 40 food product categories, controlling for shopping preferences, personal characteristics and environmental orientation. Our results inform business strategies on market entry for a wide array of food products. Support for reusable food packaging can be mainly found among younger and environmentally conscious customers, which can be identified as first‐mover customer segments. Awareness of the waste problem and the environmental impact of packaging, most specifically on the issue of ‘overpackaging’ food, are shown to be positively related to interest in reusable food packaging. Promising food product markets to introduce reusable packaging are eggs, dry food products and bread‐based products. Reversely, interest in reusable food packaging is low for frozen food products, even among environmentally conscious customers. We formulate recommendations for product managers, designers and policymakers, stressing the importance of social learning by showcasing successful implementations of reusable packaging in classical grocery store outlets.



为了实现可持续发展目标和向循环经济转型,我们需要解决一次性包装问题。随着可重复使用的包装选项越来越多,从技术和商业角度来看,大多数研究都集中在其技术和价值链方面,而在很大程度上忽略了客户的观点。在本文中,我们展示了调查数据的结果,评估了顾客对 40 种食品类别的可重复使用食品包装的偏好,并控制了购物偏好、个人特征和环境取向。我们的结果为各种食品进入市场的商业策略提供了信息。支持可重复使用食品包装的主要是年轻且具有环保意识的客户,他们可以被视为先行客户群体。对浪费问题和包装对环境影响的认识,特别是对食品“过度包装”问题的认识,与对可重复使用食品包装的兴趣呈正相关。有前景引入可重复使用包装的食品市场是鸡蛋、干食品和面包类产品。相反,即使在具有环保意识的消费者中,冷冻食品对可重复使用的食品包装的兴趣也很低。我们为产品经理、设计师和政策制定者提出建议,通过展示经典杂货店成功实施可重复使用包装来强调社会学习的重要性。