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Teach them how to fish or give them fish? The effect of collective narcissism on intergroup help
British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-01 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12770
Yi Qin 1 , Lei Cheng 2 , Zifei Li 1 , Xueli Zhu 1 , Fang Wang 1

Intergroup help contributes to the solution of global issues in particular. However, whether to teach an outgroup how to address their problem permanently, or to directly help them solve the current problem? Collective narcissism might play a crucial role in this process. Based on the core characteristics of collective narcissism, this research explored whether and how collective narcissism would affect people's willingness to give different types of intergroup help. Study 1 examined the correlation between collective narcissism and intergroup help. Studies 2 and 3 investigated the impacts of outgroup threat and ingroup image on the relationship between collective narcissism and intergroup help respectively. In Study 4, the interaction between outgroup threat and ingroup image was further examined. The results showed that collective narcissism reduced participants' willingness to offer intergroup help, especially autonomy‐oriented help. For low‐threat outgroups, collective narcissism increased participants' willingness to give dependency‐oriented help. In contrast, collective narcissism increased participants' willingness to give autonomy‐oriented help when refusal to intergroup help tarnished the ingroup image. For high‐threat outgroups, collective narcissism did not predict participants' willingness to give intergroup help. These findings suggest that collective narcissists' preferences for intergroup help change with outgroup threat and ingroup image.



Intergroup 帮助尤其有助于解决全球性问题。然而,是教外群体如何永久地解决他们的问题,还是直接帮助他们解决当前的问题?集体自恋可能在此过程中发挥关键作用。基于集体自恋的核心特征,本研究探讨了集体自恋是否以及如何影响人们提供不同类型群体间帮助的意愿。研究 1 检查了集体自恋与群体间帮助之间的相关性。研究 2 和 3 分别调查了外群体威胁和内群体形象对集体自恋和群体间帮助之间关系的影响。在研究 4 中,进一步研究了外群体威胁与内群体形象之间的相互作用。结果表明,集体自恋降低了参与者提供群体间帮助的意愿,尤其是以自主为导向的帮助。对于低威胁的外群体,集体自恋增加了参与者给予依赖导向帮助的意愿。相比之下,当拒绝群体间帮助玷污了内部群体的形象时,集体自恋增加了参与者提供自主导向帮助的意愿。对于高威胁的外群体,集体自恋并不能预测参与者提供群体间帮助的意愿。这些发现表明,集体自恋者对群体间的偏好有助于改变群体威胁和群体内形象。