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Learn More About INACSL's Endorsement Program!
Clinical Simulation in Nursing ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2024.101544
Margaret Verkuyl , Teresa Gore , Fara Bowler

Simulation-based experiences are increasingly integrated into educational experiences and even replacing clinical practice hours. However, it is important to provide high-quality simulation that will improve practice and, ultimately, patient care. The newly developed INACSL Endorsement program is a way for a simulation program to conduct a self review that demonstrates the application of the Healthcare Simulation Standards of the following Best Practices: Prebriefing, Facilitation, Professional Integrity, and Debriefing to all simulation-based experiences. These four Standards are known as the Cornerstones of Best Practice. Want to find out more about the Endorsement program? This article is for you!


了解有关 INACSL 认可计划的更多信息!

基于模拟的体验越来越多地融入教育体验中,甚至取代了临床实践时间。然而,提供高质量的模拟非常重要,这将改善实践并最终改善患者护理。新开发的 INACSL 认可计划是模拟计划进行自我审查的一种方式,展示以下最佳实践的医疗保健模拟标准的应用:预简报、引导、专业诚信和汇报到所有基于模拟的体验。这四项标准被称为最佳实践的基石。想了解更多有关认可计划的信息吗?这篇文章适合你!