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Trust me if you can: Practical challenges affecting the integration of carpooling in Mobility-as-a-Service platforms
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100832
Francesca Cellina , Marco Derboni , Vincenzo Giuffrida , Uroš Tomic , Raphael Hoerler

App-based Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) platforms combining public transport, car- and micro-mobility-shared services with real-time dynamic carpooling are emerging as viable alternatives to solo car use for sub-urban contexts. Insights from real-life implementation are however still limited. Which practical conditions may hinder the effectiveness of MaaS platforms leveraging carpooling? We tackle this question from the perspective of potential users of MixMyRide, a Swiss-based MaaS platform, based on co-design workshop sessions performed in Summer-Autumn 2022. We find four elements of practical interest, resonating with limitations already identified for carpooling. First, integrating carpooling in inter-modal trips increases the number of inter-changes potentially affected by delays. This requires real-time traffic information data, re-scheduling tools, and features for quick interaction between platform users. Second, features to create trust between strangers are needed, which require trade-offs between strict identity check and quick registration. Third, carpooling pick-up/drop-off may either endanger safety (if bus stops are used) or require inconvenient prior agreements, negatively affecting the MaaS platform’s dynamism. Fourth, carpooling offer is not granted. To accept possible discomfort in sharing personal space with strangers and time-effort to enter trip offers, drivers need specific incentives, such as sharing of travel expenses, reward vouchers by public institutions, or virtual gamification and feedback on saved emissions.



基于应用程序的移动即服务 (MaaS) 平台将公共交通、汽车和微型移动共享服务与实时动态拼车相结合,正在成为郊区环境中单独使用汽车的可行替代方案。然而,来自现实生活实施的见解仍然有限。哪些实际条件可能会阻碍 MaaS 平台利用拼车的有效性?我们从 MixMyRide(总部位于瑞士的 MaaS 平台)的潜在用户的角度来解决这个问题,基于 2022 年夏秋期间举行的协同设计研讨会。我们发现了四个具有实际意义的要素,与已经确定的拼车限制产生了共鸣。首先,将拼车整合到联运旅行中会增加可能受延误影响的换乘次数。这需要实时的交通信息数据、重新调度工具以及平台用户之间快速交互的功能。其次,需要在陌生人之间建立信任的功能,这需要在严格的身份检查和快速注册之间进行权衡。第三,拼车接送可能会危及安全(如果使用公交车站)或需要不方便的事先协议,从而对 MaaS 平台的活力产生负面影响。第四,不提供拼车优惠。为了接受与陌生人共享个人空间和花费时间输入旅行优惠可能带来的不适,司机需要特定的激励措施,例如分担旅行费用、公共机构的奖励券或虚拟游戏化和对节省的排放量的反馈。