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Tectonic deformation in El Salvador from combined InSAR and GNSS data
Tectonophysics ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2024.230364
Juan Portela , Alejandra Staller , Marta Béjar-Pizarro , Ian J. Hamling , Douglas Hernández

The country of El Salvador, located at the convergent boundary of the Cocos and Caribbean plates, is subject to frequent seismic events and complex surface deformation. This paper presents the first Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)-based velocity field of El Salvador produced by combining InSAR and new GNSS data, which allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the intricate crustal deformation processes in the region. We use L-Band ALOS PALSAR images from five ascending and two descending tracks, as well as 171 continuous and episodic GNSS stations across El Salvador and the Caribbean. The inversion of GNSS and InSAR velocities along fault-perpendicular profiles enable us to assess the accommodation of tectonic deformation along the El Salvador Fault Zone (ESFZ), providing a better constraint on the behaviour of its main structures. Additionally, we are able to better understand how the deformation is transmitted at the western (Jalpatagua-Ipala) and eastern (Fonseca Gulf) terminations of the ESFZ.


InSAR 和 GNSS 组合数据显示的萨尔瓦多构造变形

萨尔瓦多位于科科斯板块和加勒比板块交界处,地震频发,地表形变复杂。本文介绍了萨尔瓦多第一个基于干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)的速度场,该速度场通过结合 InSAR 和新的 GNSS 数据产生,这使我们能够更深入地了解该地区复杂的地壳变形过程。我们使用来自五个上升轨道和两个下降轨道的 L 波段 ALOS PALSAR 图像,以及萨尔瓦多和加勒比地区的 171 个连续和间歇性 GNSS 站。沿断层垂直剖面的 GNSS 和 InSAR 速度反演使我们能够评估沿萨尔瓦多断层带 (ESFZ) 的构造变形的调节情况,从而对其主要结构的行为提供更好的约束。此外,我们能够更好地了解变形是如何在 ESFZ 的西部(贾帕塔瓜-伊帕拉)和东部(丰塞卡湾)末端传播的。