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Equivalent mortality after operation with sliding hip screw or intramedullary nail for trochanteric AO/OTA A1 and A2 fractures reported in the Norwegian Hip Fracture Register 2008 to 2020.
The Bone & Joint Journal ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-01 , DOI: 10.1302/0301-620x.106b6.bjj-2023-1219.r1
Amara Ahmad 1 , Emma H. Egeland 1 , Eva H. Dybvik 2 , Jan-Erik Gjertsen 1, 2 , Stein A. Lie 3, 4 , Anne M. Fenstad 3 , Kjell Matre 1, 2 , Ove Furnes 1, 3

This study aimed to compare mortality in trochanteric AO/OTA A1 and A2 fractures treated with an intramedullary nail (IMN) or sliding hip screw (SHS). The primary endpoint was 30-day mortality, with secondary endpoints at 0 to 1, 2 to 7, 8 to 30, 90, and 365 days.


挪威髋部骨折登记册 2008 年至 2020 年报告的转子 AO/OTA A1 和 A2 骨折使用滑动髋螺钉或髓内钉手术后的等效死亡率。

本研究旨在比较使用髓内钉 (IMN) 或滑动髋螺钉 (SHS) 治疗的转子 AO/OTA A1 和 A2 骨折的死亡率。主要终点是 30 天死亡率,次要终点是 0 至 1、2 至 7、8 至 30、90 和 365 天。