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Birmingham Hip Resurfacing at 25 years.
The Bone & Joint Journal ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-01 , DOI: 10.1302/0301-620x.106b6.bjj-2023-1064.r1
Rajpal S. Nandra 1 , Walid A. Elnahal 2, 3 , Alistair Mayne 2 , Lesley Brash 2 , Callum W. McBryde 2, 4 , Ronan B. C. Treacy 2, 4

The Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) was introduced in 1997 to address the needs of young active patients using a historically proven large-diameter metal-on-metal (MoM) bearing. A single designer surgeon's consecutive series of 130 patients (144 hips) was previously reported at five and ten years, reporting three and ten failures, respectively. The aim of this study was to extend the follow-up of this original cohort at 25 years.


25 岁时进行伯明翰髋关节表面置换术。

伯明翰髋关节表面置换 (BHR) 于 1997 年推出,旨在使用历史证明的大直径金属对金属 (MoM) 轴承来满足年轻活跃患者的需求。此前有报道称,一位设计外科医生在五年和十年内连续对 130 名患者(144 个髋关节)进行了系列治疗,分别报告了 3 次和 10 次失败。本研究的目的是将最初队列的随访时间延长至 25 年。