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Strong coupling spontaneous emission interference near a graphene nanodisk
Nanophotonics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 , DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2024-0176
Ioannis Thanopulos 1 , Vasilios Karanikolas 2 , Emmanuel Paspalakis 1

In this work, we analyze the spontaneous emission dynamics of a V-type quantum emitter near a graphene nanodisk based on the combination of electromagnetic and quantum dynamical calculations. The presence of the graphene nanodisk gives strong anisotropy to the Purcell factors of the quantum emitter, leading to interference effects in spontaneous emission appearing as coupling between the emitter’s upper levels. This effect is further enhanced by the strong light–matter interaction of the quantum emitter with the modified electromagnetic mode continuum, which induces non-Markovian spontaneous emission dynamics. We have studied the population dynamics of the quantum emitter at a specific distance from the center of the graphene nanodisk for various free-space decay widths and different quantum emitter’s initial conditions and have shown weak coupling results appearing with Markovian decay dynamics, obtained for quantum emitters with small free-space decay widths, and population dynamics that exhibits distinctly non-Markovian features, such as prominent decaying Rabi oscillations in the population evolution of the quantum emitter’s excited states and energy exchange between them during the overall population decay into the photonic mode continuum for largest free-space decay widths. Also, for the largest value of the free-space decay width, we obtain significant population trapping effects in the excited states of the quantum emitter. Furthermore, we find that the population dynamics for specific light–matter interaction strength conditions between the quantum emitter and the graphene nanodisk depend distinctively on the initial state of the quantum emitter, whether it is a single state or a superposition state.



在这项工作中,我们基于电磁和量子动力学计算的结合,分析了石墨烯纳米盘附近 V 型量子发射器的自发发射动力学。石墨烯纳米盘的存在使量子发射器的珀塞尔因子具有很强的各向异性,导致自发发射中的干扰效应表现为发射器上能级之间的耦合。量子发射器与修改的电磁模式连续体的强光-物质相互作用进一步增强了这种效应,从而产生非马尔可夫自发发射动力学。我们研究了在距石墨烯纳米盘中心特定距离处的量子发射器在不同自由空间衰变宽度和不同量子发射器初始条件下的布居动力学,并显示了针对量子发射器获得的马尔可夫衰变动力学出现的弱耦合结果具有较小的自由空间衰变宽度,并且种群动态表现出明显的非马尔可夫特征,例如量子发射器激发态的种群演化中显着的衰变拉比振荡以及在整个种群衰变为光子模式连续体期间它们之间的能量交换最大的自由空间衰减宽度。此外,对于自由空间衰减宽度的最大值,我们在量子发射器的激发态中获得了显着的布居捕获效应。此外,我们发现量子发射器和石墨烯纳米盘之间特定光-物质相互作用强度条件的群体动力学明显取决于量子发射器的初始态,无论是单态还是叠加态。