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Animacy and the Agency of Spiritual Beings in Pluriversal Societies
International Political Sociology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 , DOI: 10.1093/ips/olae012
Amaya Querejazu 1

The concept of agency has long been a focal point of research in the social sciences. While traditional discussions primarily centered on human agency, recent scholarship has increasingly turned its attention to agency beyond the human realm. This paper introduces a framework for comprehending the agency of spiritual beings within complex pluriversal sociopolitical systems. It contends that exploring the agency of spiritual beings challenges established binary distinctions and acknowledges their inherent complexities. Drawing from a relational understanding of animacy, this framework reveals that the agency of spiritual beings cannot be simply equated with gods or fixed other-than-human agencies. Instead, it enriches our understanding of agency by highlighting how diverse agencies shape and influence social interactions. The paper compares Jane Bennett’s “thing power” and social assemblages to the Andean concepts of camaq (creating animating force) and Ajayu (spirit). By doing so, it uncovers both tensions and connections between these approaches, underscoring the need for pluriversal methodologies in analyzing pluriversal societies. In conclusion, the paper reflects on the implications of re-enchantment through animacy and its potential to provide fresh insights into understanding international phenomena.



代理的概念长期以来一直是社会科学研究的焦点。虽然传统的讨论主要集中在人类能动性上,但最近的学术研究越来越多地将注意力转向人类领域之外的能动性。本文介绍了一个理解复杂多元社会政治系统中精神存在的代理的框架。它认为,探索精神存在的代理性挑战了既定的二元区别,并承认它们固有的复杂性。从对生命力的关系性理解出发,这个框架揭示了精神存在的代理不能简单地等同于神或固定的非人类代理。相反,它通过强调不同的机构如何塑造和影响社会互动来丰富我们对机构的理解。该论文将简·贝内特的“物力”和社会组合与安第斯山的 camaq(创造活力)和 Ajayu(精神)概念进行了比较。通过这样做,它揭示了这些方法之间的紧张关系和联系,强调了分析多元社会时多元方法论的必要性。总之,本文反思了通过生命力重新魅惑的含义及其为理解国际现象提供新见解的潜力。